Miel de Fleurs Liquide Bio Carrefour
Organic Blossom Clear Honey Carrefour
Glass Jar 500 g
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Miel de Fleurs Liquide Bio.
Origine: Amerique du Sud
Conditionné en Belgique
A conserver idéalement à +/- 20oC et à l'abri de la chaleur et l'humidité.
Le Miel peut cristalliser naturellement / Honey Crуѕtаllіzаtіоn: In case your honey сrуѕtаllіzеs, know that іt dоеѕ nоt аt аll mеаn thаt іt іѕ ѕроіlt аnd is nо lоngеr fіt fоr соnѕumрtіоn; thіѕ phenomenom іѕ а nаturаl рrосеѕѕ and an аttrіbutе оf рurе nаturаl hоnеу. If necessary, to make crystallized honey liquid again, place a microwave bowl full of water into the microwave. Heat the water for 3-5 minutes. Carefully take the bowl out of the microwave and place the container of honey into hot water; be sure to take the lid off your honey jar before placing it in the warm water. After several minutes the crystallized honey will return to the liquid state.
Miel de fleurs issu de l'agriculture biologique. Sans OGM.
Nutritional Information
Energy for 100 g: 1,340 kJ / 320 kcal
Fat: 0 g for 100 g of which Saturates 0 g
Sugars: 79 g for 100 g
Proteins: 0,5 g for 100 g.
>Country of origin